
Now Playing: Dreamer by Supertramp... it's just what's on the 80's station
It has to be too early to up and writing, but here I sit, listening caustiously for the stirrings of little children who at any moment will lull be into a false sense of love and devotion by hugging and giving me a morning kiss before demanding breakfast. Le sigh...
Any other parents out there? I have an 8 year old who I swear was Socrates in a past life... A five year old who is so in love with hip hop culture I can only laugh and shake my head half the time ( I swear before God, when she's twelve I'm chaining her in the basement to keep her off the pole at a strip club). My youngest, well she's like Ganghis conquer some more...conquer...then yell for Mama when her brother and sister bop her in the head... The joys of motherhood.
Posted by nkfoxx
at 6:00 AM EDT