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The Creative Process
Monday, 19 September 2005
Past my bed time but I forgot to tell ya
Mood:  rushed
Hi All,

First, thank you again for the emails, I know it's been a while since I've posted, but I'm still here just frantically working on revisions and with the
cover artist.
Please note **There is a new page for published works** (you can see the cover art there as well as a link to the publisher selling my stories.

As it stands, Gargoyle's Conquest has a release date for September 23, through Changeling Press.

The Worthy: Wildest Dreams (TBA) through Oceans Mist

I promise when it slows down I will post again,
chow for now

Posted by nkfoxx at 12:40 AM EDT
Tuesday, 30 August 2005
19 Days since my last post, but I'm going strong
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: The TV is on, so not much writing happening
I guess I should announce first that my story's

Gargoyle's Quest - Changeling Press
The Worthy: Wildest Dreams - Ocean Mists Press

have ben assigned with the above publishers!!! I'm so excited and nervous as all get out. I hope people enjoy them, and like always I am looking feedback.

I'm currently working on a story with a Latin/Spanish feel, we'll see how it goes. Thank you all who have sent me encouraging emails, its given me the extra push I needed.

Posted by nkfoxx at 5:44 AM EDT
Thursday, 11 August 2005
Busy little Beaver
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: The cool sounds of silence..
I have been a very busy little beaver, The Gargoyle's Quest manuscript is complete, or at least as far as I'm concerned. There is only so much revision working of one's own work that can be done. Typically you don't find the simple (or sometimes big mistakes) because in your mind 'this is how it should have sounded' when what you actually wrote is 'this is who it should had sounded'. Don't ask me why that link up between brain and fingers don't always jive (well at least I find this true in my case). Any who, once my editing updates are finally done I can focus the attention to Gargoyle's Challenge that I really think it deserves oh yeah and Claimed too.

Again I'd like to take the time to thank everyone who has emailed me or posted on the writing sites, with a special thanks to EVE VAUGHN who has let me do my own personal plugs on her yahoo site. I hope when my stuff is finally in print that people like it as much as they seem to so far. Well back to work.

Posted by nkfoxx at 6:19 AM EDT
Saturday, 6 August 2005
Nothing like early morning creativity
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: nothing...let me remedy that....ok Lionel Richie's Penny Lover
Wow, I can't believe its been almost a week since my last post. For those interested I've been proofing my work, updating my site and working on an article to come out in SUITE Magazine's next month edition called "Beyond the Veil".
I woke up around five this morning, showered, answered my emails (thank you all) and letting the creative juices flow, which is best to do this early in the morning while my kids are still asleep.
Gotta get abck to work ttfn.

Posted by nkfoxx at 6:52 AM EDT
Sunday, 31 July 2005
Crunch Time
Mood:  rushed
Now Playing: Sailing - 80's is better than a caffeine boost
Okay, I'm trying to meet my own deadlines and stay off the internet, which is hard with DSL cause you're always logged in and the temptation to do a little surfing is just too great.
Gargoyle's Quest is going under another revision
Gargoyle's Challenge is coming along nicely (at least in my opinion)
I've put the synopsis for "Claimed" on line. I think I'm where I need to be this weekend. I just need to keep at it and plug away.
Hope other's writings are going well for them, and I sure hope you're a lot more focused than little Miss ADD over here.

Posted by nkfoxx at 6:54 AM EDT
Friday, 29 July 2005
Aspiring Authors who want their links on my site just let me know.
Mood:  chatty
Now Playing: Absolutely nada, which explains why I'm not writing
Someone asked me today if I wouldn't mind posting their link to my site...which made me think... hey what a wonderful way to network and showcase others work.

If you have a link that you would like me to post just let me know what name you want listed, your genre and the link.

Feel free to link mine as well.

Nia (author of "Gargoyle's Quest")

Posted by nkfoxx at 12:13 AM EDT
Thursday, 28 July 2005
Can you say information overload
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: Nothing at the moment... but give me a second
Okay Ladies and Gentlemen,

I'm currently researching, e-publishing, self-publishing, agents... ya da ya da ya da.... all I want to do is write... well that and get published so I guess I should stop bitchin'. I need at least
50 hours in a day to get everything done. I'm trying to set nightly goals. Does that work for anyone. So far I'm slacking tonight... I've done my research for the evening... put some more feelers out there... No rejections and one request for my manuscript so far, plus several positive emails. I hope you all aren't just being nice.

Posted by nkfoxx at 9:19 PM EDT
Thursday, 21 July 2005
Road Trips
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: Jill Scott -- I've been listening to her a lot lately
First let me say thank you to those who have visited and sent me private emails... I appreciate it.

Tomorrow my family and I will be embarking on a road trip. I love these trips, what a great way to get my thoughts going, well as long as I don't have to drive.

Is it just me or do you find yourself people, home or car watching, imagining what types of lives others live, making up stories about them. Okay, so maybe you have something better to do.

Posted by nkfoxx at 7:12 PM EDT
Wednesday, 20 July 2005
Signing Off
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: Anything -Janet Jackson (Listen with me if I uploaded correctly)
Topic: Lessons learned
My Song

What did I learn today?
Patience in the face of adversity. Diligence to achieve my goals. I'm working on the confidence which I need to proof my work and not just throw it in the garbage.

God I didn't realize how much I like this song...
Janet summed it up in one sentence...
"Good things don't come easy."
With that in mind I will put everything aside, get a decents night sleep and trudge on again tomorrow.

Posted by nkfoxx at 12:29 AM EDT
Tuesday, 19 July 2005
It's too early to be up... yet here I am
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: Dreamer by Supertramp... it's just what's on the 80's station
It has to be too early to up and writing, but here I sit, listening caustiously for the stirrings of little children who at any moment will lull be into a false sense of love and devotion by hugging and giving me a morning kiss before demanding breakfast. Le sigh...
Any other parents out there? I have an 8 year old who I swear was Socrates in a past life... A five year old who is so in love with hip hop culture I can only laugh and shake my head half the time ( I swear before God, when she's twelve I'm chaining her in the basement to keep her off the pole at a strip club). My youngest, well she's like Ganghis Khan...eat...go conquer something...eat some more...conquer...then yell for Mama when her brother and sister bop her in the head... The joys of motherhood.

Posted by nkfoxx at 6:00 AM EDT

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